What We Do

We believe that church should be enjoyed, not endured.

Every week, you’ll be able to participate in our weekly Bible study, where you’ll be able to connect with friends, learn practical truths that will help you navigate life, and have a great time while you’re doing it.

But it doesn’t stop there—crazy activities, summer camps, youth conferences, and mission trips are just a few ways you can connect and grow throughout the year.

Trust us; you won’t want to miss out on this.

Information You Need

Sunday Morning - 10:00 am

oin our Sunday morning teen class for an engaging Bible study and open discussion. Connect with peers, explore scripture, and deepen your faith in a supportive and enriching environment!

Wednesday Night - 6:45 pm

Come to our Wednesday night teen class for a lesson, games in the gym, and some snacks and drinks. It’s a fun way to learn, hang out with friends, and enjoy the evening.

wednesday BUS ROUTES

We run busses in the Celina and Mendon areas from August to May. For more information message us on Facebook or Instagram!

Parents of Teens

The student ministry of Celina Baptist Temple is focused on the whole family! Parenting teens can be incredibly difficult. Through regular meetings throughout the year, parents of teens are given practical instruction and insight on raising teens in this challenging culture.

If there is a specific question or problem you face as the parent of a teenager, please call us at 419-586-3646, and we would be happy to do our best to help.

Zach Burckholter

Youth Pastor

Contact Info
Email: zachburckholtercbt@gmail.com

Phone: 419-586-3646